Modern Colonial House Interior Design Ideas

Modern colonial house interior design

The modern colonial homes have been the first choice for all home buyers when looking for a luxurious but classic home. The style originated in 1876, and since then, you can see numerous houses being constructed in this architecture. If you are fond of colonial-style homes and want to make one for yourself, this article will help you get started. Sit back to discuss what every room should look like and get your home designed. Let’s start by knowing the history of colonial home designs. The History of Colonial Designs…

Top German Interior Design Styles And Ideas to Consider While Redesigning Your House

German style house

When you think of the German interior designs, the first thing that comes to mind is neat, toy-resembling houses, the whitewashed facades divided into separate sections by dark, narrow slats. A similar exterior design is known as a half-timbered house (fachwerk) which is one of the architectural branches of the these style. As per some famous designers, the classic German interior design style is nothing more than the Empire style variations. For the most part, this is true. However, the chronology of events in the history of its appearance and…